Monday 11 January 2010

bradock tree

this tree is the one i saw in bradock which is a part of pitzburg that is full of ex steel industry. its a lone tree with a backdrop of steel refinarys. I feel like its a spirit or tangable thing. I am a bit obsessed by its simbolism. I started playing around with the image on photoshop and I started removing the background (very difficlut). I now feel its a bit like me.... also i have just listerned to a comedien who did the same alevels as me and ended up doing electical engineering she now has pushed her artisic side and she still makes her stand up about science. this makes me happyer. still trying to do my portfolio its very triky to make sure people understand what i am doing not just me.


  1. nice image!
    how did u get hold of photoshop??

  2. I bought it at vast expence (cheeper becasue i am a student). I felt it was a good investment becase i wont be a student for ever. need to learn how to use it really well... I am going to give cutting the tree out another go as you get better all the time using it.
